For my Christmas project, I wanted to recreate The Pit from MK so I blocked out the environment in UE, exported to Blender, created the assets and then imported them back into UE.
I still have to rework some textures and add the bodies at the bottom of the pit. I’d also like to scan in my head and add it down there as well.
I asked an AI to generate a narrative that I was to follow, which is based around the player within a post apocalyptic world needing to search and seek fragments to put together what happened in the past. The initial level blocked out along with several mechanics created in blueprints via an event dispatcher:-
* Interactive door.
* AI follower (to guide).
* Intro and end level sequence playback.
* Material change on interaction with the diamond actor object.
* A lift that can be toggled to reach a higher area.
* Sound on trigger.
A prototype UE 5.4 game which makes use of pairs of blueprint actors that randomly assigned breakable or stable on start up. The goal is to jump from one side to the other within three lives. Currently a work in progress. Try the alpha version by clicking Download below (~750MB).